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Pole Fit Studio, Cyprus
id 10538

Sports Complex:

Pole Fit Studio offers the choreography combinations around pole dance. It features: Pole Fitness, Body shape Stretching, Exotic pole dance. The dance lover will learn how to move beautifully, feminine and elegant. The course is intended for all women, regardless of age and height.

Sports infrastructure:

Hall for choreography with special flooring
All necessary equipment
Changing rooms
Storage facilities

Additional options:

Hotels 2 - 4 * in walking distance
Sports equipment and inventory with delivery
Hotels and apartments of any level
Medical support
Organization of tournaments and matches

General information
Location on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea, in the second largest city of the island
Climate 16-24 °C in winter and 24-37 °C in summer
Accommodation 1,2,3,4-bed rooms
Meals breakfast, lunch, dinner
Opening hours by agreement
Pole Fit Studio, Cyprus
Address Limassol, Cyprus
Accommodation At the Hotel
Kinds of sports
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