In the heart of the lively town of Roses lies a prominent sports complex that has attracted the attention and recognition of sports and health enthusiasts: the Roses Municipal Sports Center. A true bastion of physical activity and well-being, this center offers wheelchair-accessible entrance so that all members of the community, regardless of their abilities, can use its facilities.
With its always friendly and professional service, the Roses Municipal Sports Center is geared towards offering a wide range of services to meet the leisure and training needs of its visitors. Its impressive range of organised sports activities stands out, as does a gym equipped with the latest technology and spaces for practicing sports such as basketball, mini-basketball, handball, mini-hockey, volleyball, mini football. In addition, the complex has areas specially designed for relaxation and muscle recovery, so important after an intense day of training.
This is a comprehensive sports facility equipped with a wide range of amenities to accommodate various sports and physical activities. The sports base features various training equipment and specialised facilities to cater to athletes and fitness enthusiasts of all skill levels. It also offers a range of programs and services such as individual training, team practices, and competitions. The facility is staffed by experienced instructors, trainers, and coaches, who are available to assist and guide individuals in reaching their goals.
Multi-sports court, 45 x 27m with capacity of the stands: 500 spectators (350 seated)
Facility maintenance
Modern equipment
Lockers, showers, restrooms and changing rooms
First-aid equipment
Accessibility features
Specialised rooms
Lighting throughout the complex
Additional sports:
Mini football
Sports training and Staff | The sports base offers a wide range of sports training programs and services to help individuals reach their goals. The sports center is fully equipped and has all the required facilities to host various tournaments and competitions. For those who simply want to get back into shape, general preparation lessons and personalized training programs are also offered.
The sports base is staffed by a team of professionals who are dedicated to ensuring that visitors have a great experience. The staff includes individuals with experience and expertise in their field, who are available to assist and guide visitors as needed. |